Lesson 3 Writing Assignment: Research Proposal

Completion requirements

Due Date: by 11:59 P.M. 

Post your final draft of the Research Proposal writing assignment to this area. This copy of the Research proposal will be graded. For detailed grading criteria, see the Research Proposal Rubric located under this week's Learning Materials.


Make certain you have completed Lesson 1 and Lesson 2 before you begin this lesson.

In this lesson, you will learn about the stages of the writing process, then you will draft your Research Proposal. Then, you will check that your proposal has correct MLA formatting. Finally, you will turn in your final Research Proposal.




  • Edit and Format your Research Proposal
  • Submit Lesson 3 Writing Assignment 1: Research Proposal for grading

ENGL 1213 Research Proposal Outline

Dr. Candie McKee-Williams – JF 2022

Outline for Research Proposal Use this outline when developing the research proposal. Research proposals are requests! Your written research proposal is a written request to do research on the problem you selected. Note that this is not an argumentative essay or classical argument. It is not a position paper.

Note that sections II, III, and IV may be longer than a single paragraph.

I. Introduction a. What is the significance of the issue? Provide insight to the relevance of the issue b. End by stating the main point(s) of the proposal in a thesis statement.

II. Issue Summary a. Explain and describe what you already know about the issue.

i. How does the issue impact society? ii. What factor(s) contribute to the issue’s ongoing presence?

III. Research Approach Summary a. Explain what more you need to learn about the issue.

i. What do you plan to research regarding the issue? ii. Will you have to clarify terms and concepts? iii. What research is needed for the opposing viewpoint? iv. What kinds of sources will you use for your research? v. What strengths will they lend to the paper? vi. How will they help clarify points you want to make? vii. How will you gather your sources?

IV. Intended Audience a. Describe the intended audience for your research.

i. Who needs to know about this issue? ii. Is the audience general, specialized, or both? iii. Discuss what people or group of people might benefit from reading your

paper; how will your audience benefit from your research? V. Conclusion

a. What is at stake if the problem is not researched and solved? b. Why is it worthy of a solution?

  • Outline for Research Proposal


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ENGL 1213

24 March 2022

Research Proposal for Police Brutality

There has been much dissension about the extent of police brutality in the United States.

My research will delve into why police brutality should be addressed and possible solutions for

reform. This issue is significant because without acknowledging police brutality, there will be

more and more occurrences of police-related deaths of American citizens. In recent years, the

divide between police personnel and the people has grown due to distrust and fear amongst both

parties: protesting, rioting, and looting. Addressing police brutality is pertinent to the public's

perception of law enforcement and the public's and law enforcements' safety and requires

additional research for American citizens.

To my understanding, "brutality" is unwarranted violence. Although police brutality has

always been a problem, there are significant "racial disparities in the application of force"

("Police Brutality"). Specifically, black men and women seem to be targeted more than anyone

else. The 2020 video of George Floyd's murder and the unprovoked murder of Breonna Taylor

sparked some of the most prevalent public unrest to date. Most Black communities do not feel

safe with the current climate of policing. The impact has caused activist groups (such as Black

Lives Matter) to call for the complete abolishment of police. However, without a police

presence, there will not be anything in place to combat crime. Some factors contributing to

Farr, Lori A.
Part I: Introduction – Establishes issue or problem of this research, its significance, and insight to relevance.

Farr, Lori A.
Research Proposal Thesis Sentence

Farr, Lori A.
MLA in-text citation – one is required

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police brutality are inadequate training in deescalating situations, racial profiling, and extensive

legal protection.

To further understand the extent of police brutality in the U.S., an understanding of how

police officers are and are not supposed to operate is required. Additionally, research on current

trends of excessive force with body cams and before body cams will help procure better police

reform in the years to come. Officers can disable body cams; therefore, the effectiveness is

questionable. I will also research the disproportionate data on police killings of minority groups

(such as people of color, homeless people, and LGBTQ+) and its possible reasons. "Brutality,"

"profiling," and "excessive force" are some terms that I will clarify along with the concept of

reform and current disciplinary measures or lack thereof. Finally, to understand the opposing

viewpoint, I will research the Back the Blue movement and the negative consequences of

abolishing the police. Most of my sources will come from viewpoint articles in the Oklahoma

City Community College library database. I will also utilize and analyze current statistics,

statistics from previous decades, and academic journals.

The intended audience is American citizens. The police force is an institution set in place

for the people. In that case, the more aware the people are of their constitutional rights and the

misconduct of said institution more change can come. Specifically, victims/families of victims of

police brutality will benefit from this research because it will push the agenda for reform. Also,

police personnel/family of police personnel will benefit because reform will also protect them

from possible retaliation such as death threats.

People should not feel terror when interacting with the police. The police should not

jump to lethal action at the slightest disagreement or surprise situation. If this issue is not

Farr, Lori A.
Part II: Summary of what is already know and how this issue impacts society.

Farr, Lori A.
Part III: Research Plan – See outline

Farr, Lori A.
Part IV: Intended Audience – See Outline

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resolved, animosity will grow between the police and the people. We do not want civil unrest to

escalate into civil war.

Farr, Lori A.
Part V: Conclusion – Why is this issue worthy of a solution? This one is somewhat “short”.

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Work Cited

"Police Brutality." Gale Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2021. Gale In Context:

Opposing Viewpoints,


OVIC&xid=466779c1. Accessed 30 May 2022.

Farr, Lori A.
Works Cited – One Source Required – See Assignment Guidelines