Calculating and Analyzing Portfolio Beta
Analyze your portfolio’s beta. In a three to- five page paper (excluding the title and reference pages), provide an actual calculation (showing the math) of your portfolios’ beta. For the second half of the paper, explain and interpret the portfolios’ beta using the following scenarios:
a. The S&P experiences a 10% decline from today’s value.
b. The S&P experiences a 20% increase from today’s value.
b. The S&P experiences a 20% increase from today’s value.
Would you consider your portfolio to be a bull or a bear in the above scenarios? Be sure to use the financial formulas provided in this week’s readings. Your paper should be comprehensive and include specific insights as to why your portfolio’s beta reacts to market conditions. Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center, and it must include at least two scholarly sources, in addition to the text. Grading Criteria Calculating and Analyzing Portfolio Beta
7 Points
7 Points
Content Criteria
The written assignment explains and interprets the portfolio’s beta using the following scenario:
The S&P experiences a 10% decline from today’s value.
Research Criteria
The written assignment provides at least (2) scholarly sources, in addition to the course text.
Style Criteria
The written assignment is three- to- five double-spaced pages in length (excluding the title and
reference pages).
The written assignment is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford W riting