Part 1

E and P each reported the same earnings per share (EPS), but Company E’s stock
trades at a higher price. Which of the following statements is CORRECT?

Company E trades at a higher P/E ratio.

Company E probably has fewer growth opportunities.

Company E must pay a lower dividend.

Company E must have a higher market-to-book ratio.

Company E is probably judged by investors to be riskier.

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things held constant, the value of an option depends on the stock’s price, the
risk-free rate, and the

Strike price.

Variability of the stock price.

Option’s time to maturity.

All of these.

None of these.

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Which of
the following statements is CORRECT?

Typically, a firm’s EBIT should exceed its EBITDA.

If a firm is more profitable than most other firms, we would normally
expect to see its book value per share exceed its stock price, especially
after several years of high inflation.

Typically, a firm’s DPS should exceed its EPS.

If a firm is more profitable than average (e.g., Google), we would normally
expect to see its stock price exceed its book value per share.

The more depreciation a firm has in a given year, the higher its EPS, other
things held constant.

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A firm
wants to strengthen its financial position. Which of the following actions
would increase its current ratio?

Borrow using short-term debt and use the proceeds to repay debt that has a
maturity of more than one year.

Issue new stock and then use some of the proceeds to purchase additional
inventory and hold the remainder as cash.

Use cash to repurchase some of the company’s own stock.

Reduce the company’s days’ sales outstanding to the industry average and
use the resulting cash savings to purchase plant and equipment.

Use cash to increase inventory holdings.

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Which of
the following statements is CORRECT?

Only institutions, and not individuals, can participate in derivatives
market transactions.

The IPO market is a subset of the secondary market.

As they are generally defined, money market transactions involve debt
securities with maturities of less than one year.

If you purchased 100 shares of Disney stock from your brother-in-law, this
would be an example of a primary market transaction.


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Which of
the following statements is CORRECT?

If interest rates increase, all bond prices will increase, but the increase
will be greater for bonds that have less interest rate risk.

One advantage of a zero coupon Treasury bond is that no one who owns the
bond has to pay any taxes on it until it matures or is sold.

Long-term bonds have less interest rate price risk but more reinvestment
rate risk than short-term bonds.

Long-term bonds have less interest rate price risk and also less
reinvestment rate risk than short-term bonds.

Relative to a coupon-bearing bond with the same maturity, a zero coupon
bond has more interest rate price risk but less reinvestment rate risk.

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Which of
the following statements is CORRECT?

Call options generally sell at a price below their exercise value, and the
greater the exercise value, the lower the premium on the option is likely
to be.

Call options generally sell at a price below their exercise value, and the
lower the exercise value, the lower the premium on the option is likely to

Call options generally sell at a price greater than their exercise value,
and the greater the exercise value, the higher the premium on the option is
likely to be.

If the underlying stock does not pay a dividend, it does not make good
economic sense to exercise a call option prior to its expiration date, even
if this would yield an immediate profit.

Because of the put-call parity relationship, under equilibrium conditions a
put option on a stock must sell at exactly the same price as a call option
on the stock.

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Which of
the following statements best describes what you should expect if you randomly
select stocks and add them to your portfolio?

Adding more such stocks will increase the portfolio’s expected rate of

Adding more such stocks will reduce the portfolio’s market risk but not its
unsystematic risk.

Adding more such stocks will reduce the portfolio’s beta coefficient and
thus its systematic risk.

Adding more such stocks will have no effect on the portfolio’s risk.

Adding more such stocks will reduce the portfolio’s unsystematic, or
diversifiable, risk.

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normal conditions, which of the following would be most likely to increase
the coupon rate required to enable a bond to be issued at par?

Making the bond a first mortgage bond rather than a debenture.

Adding additional restrictive covenants that limit management’s actions.

The rating agencies change the bond’s rating from Baa to Aaa.

Adding a call provision.

Adding a sinking fund.

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Which of
the following statements is CORRECT?

The yield to maturity on a coupon bond that sells at its par value consists
entirely of a current interest yield; it has a zero expected capital gains

The yield to maturity for a coupon bond that sells at a premium consists
entirely of a positive capital gains yield; it has a zero current interest

On an expected yield basis, the expected capital gains yield will always be
positive because an investor would not purchase a bond with an expected
capital loss.

Rising inflation makes the actual yield to maturity on a bond greater than
a quoted yield to maturity that is based on market prices.

The market value of a bond will always approach its par value as its
maturity date approaches. This holds true even if the firm has filed for

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Which of
the following statements regarding a 15-year (180-month) $125,000, fixed-rate
mortgage is CORRECT? (Ignore taxes and transactions costs.)

The remaining balance after three years will be $125,000 less one third of
the interest paid during the first three years.

Because it is a fixed-rate mortgage, the monthly loan payments (which
include both interest and principal payments) are constant.

Interest payments on the mortgage will increase steadily over time, but the
total amount of each payment will remain constant.

The proportion of the monthly payment that goes towards repayment of
principal will be lower 10 years from now than it will be the first year.

The outstanding balance declines at a slower rate in the later years of the
loan’s life.

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Which of
the following statements is CORRECT?

Corporations cannot buy the preferred stocks of other corporations.

Preferred dividends are not generally cumulative.

A big advantage of preferred stock is that dividends on preferred stocks
are tax deductible by the issuing corporation.

Preferred stockholders have a priority over bondholders in the event of
bankruptcy to the income, but not to the proceeds in a liquidation.

The preferred stock of a given firm is generally less risky to investors
than the same firm’s common stock.

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things held constant, which of the following actions would increase the
amount of cash on a company’s balance sheet?

The company issues new common stock.

The company pays a dividend.

The company gives customers more time to pay their bills.

The company purchases a new piece of equipment.

The company repurchases common stock.

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Which of
the following statements is CORRECT?

Hedge funds have more in common with commercial banks than with any other
type of financial institution.

Hedge funds are legal in the United States, but they are not permitted to
operate in Europe or Asia.

The justification for the “light” regulation of hedge funds is
that only “sophisticated” investors with high net worths and high
incomes are permitted to invest in these funds, and such investors
supposedly can do the necessary “due diligence” on their own
rather than have it done by the SEC or some other regulator.

Hedge funds have more in common with investment banks than with any other
type of financial institution.

Hedge funds are legal in Europe and Asia, but they are not permitted to
operate in the United States.

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Part II

Problem 4-25
Repaying a Loan



While Mary Corens was a student at the University of Tennessee, she
borrowed $12,000 in student loans at an annual interest rate of 7.10%. If Mary
repays $1,500 per year, how long (to the nearest year) will it take her to
repay the loan?


Problem 4-22
Expected Rate of return



Washington-Pacific invests $5 million
to buy a tract of land and plant some young pine trees. The trees can be
harvested in 13 years, at which time W-P plans to sell the forest at an
expected price of $10 million. What is W-P’s expected rate of return? Round
your answer to two decimal places.


Problem 4-17
Present Value for Various Compounding Periods



Find the present value of $350 due in
the future under each of the following conditions. Round your answers to the
nearest cent.

6% nominal rate, semiannual
compounding, discounted back 5 years

6% nominal rate, quarterly compounding,
discounted back 5 years

c. 6% nominal rate, monthly compounding, discounted
back 5 years

Problem 3-8
Profit Margin and Debt Ratio




Assume you are given the following
relationships for the Clayton Corporation:

Sales/total assets


Return on assets (ROA)


Return on equity (ROE)


1. Calculate Clayton’s profit margin. Round your
answer to two decimal places.

2. Calculate Clayton’s debt ratio. Round your answer
to two decimal places.

Problem 5-5
Default Risk Premium




A Treasury bond that matures in 10
years has a yield of 6%. A 10-year corporate bond has a yield of 8%. Assume
that the liquidity premium on the corporate bond is 0.6%. What is the default
risk premium on the corporate bond? Round your answer to two decimal places.


Problem 7-11
Nonconstant Growth Stock Valuation



Assume that the average firm in your
company’s industry is expected to grow at a constant rate of 6% and that its
dividend yield is 8%. Your company is about as risky as the average firm in the
industry, but it has just successfully completed some R&D work that leads
you to expect that its earnings and dividends will grow at a rate of 50% [D1 =
D0(1 + g) = D0(1.50)] this year and 25% the following
year, after which growth should return to the 6% industry average. If the last
dividend paid (D0) was $2.75, what is the value per share of your
firm’s stock? Round your answer to the nearest cent. Do not round your
intermediate computations.



Problem 6-10
Portfolio Beta



You have a $2 million portfolio
consisting of a $100,000 investment in each of 20 different stocks. The portfolio
has a beta of 0.75. You are considering selling $100,000 worth of one stock
with a beta of 1.05 and using the proceeds to purchase another stock with a
beta of 1.30. What will the portfolio’s new beta be after these transactions?
Round your answer to two decimal places.

Problem 6-8
Portfolio Beta



Suppose you hold a diversified
portfolio consisting of a $7,500 investment in each of 20 different common
stocks. The portfolio’s beta is 1.35. Now, suppose you sell one of the stocks
with a beta of 1.0 for $7,500 and use the proceeds to buy another stock whose
beta is 1.45. Calculate your portfolio’s new beta. Round your answer to two
decimal places.