Feedback : Your first paragraph seems to be stating a fact rather than proposing a hypothesis or a research question… you will need to fix this in order to do well on Memo 3 and the Final research proposal. Because of this there is also no clear evidence because there is no clear hypothesis. No methodology. You will write a 4-page research proposal. If you have ongoing research, you can turn this into a research paper (otherwise, a proposal would be easier for the student). You have flexibility in making changes for the topic, theory, method, etc. (from what you did in the midterm proposal). You should refine your research questions, generate thoughtful insights, and relate your arguments/conclusions to what is present in the literature. Format for the final: 4 pages, double-spaced, 12-font size, and in Times New Roman. A cover page, page number (except on the cover page), and formal citations and references. An abstract is not needed. Writing should be polished. An introduction and conclusion. It is optional to add 1-2 tables or graphs on an additional page at the end. At least 6-8 references are required. You can use non-academic references only if they constitute evidence; in this case, only 1 non-academic reference counts toward this requirement. References can be listed on an additional page. For references and citations, follow the instructions of American Sociological Review (under No. 5 of “Manuscript Preparation” in the manuscript submission guidelines; to an external site.). Do not use headings or sub-headings. You do not have much space. MidtermResearchProposal_MIshaSmith1.pdfMemo3_MishaSmith1.pdfIMG_2908.jpeg
Midterm Research Proposal
Misha Smith
Soc 151
University of California, Riverside
Dr. Kurtulmus
July 11, 2024
I’m writing to inform you about the Olympic Committee and how it is based on building a better world through sports. The Olympic Committee is held through different committees from five continents: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. The Olympic Committee has been identified to help people from 67 to 597 Olympic athletes with asthma who have experienced health issues. The Olympics also has helped disabled people who are handicapped win forty-one medals in the Olympics. Also, the Olympics comes around once every four years, holding up to 206 people to race for the tournament.
This topic is important to the world because of the health that people suffering from health issues. In most cases, I feel that with a lot of people who are suffering from health issues and have disabled issues such as being handicapped. Junge and Robert (2008, 1984) aim to help those who experience raising awareness to those who are willing to make a change by bringing around the Olympics to race to change the world expective of dealing with serious health issues. Bringing the tournament around every four years to help and allow disabled people who suffer from health issues to enter the tournament to make a change in how people who suffer from these issues. This is to make them feel good about themselves and help raise funds for making a difference for others who are suffering from the same things as these people.
However, the Olympic Committee didn’t fight to make a difference in the world regarding health issues. They also fought for equal rights for men and women in the Olympics. This led men and women to enter the tournament without being criticized for being a different race, or gender. The main focus of the Olympic Committee was to help millions of people in the world to be given a chance to either join or part be part of the tournament. They fought to make a difference in the world rather than people being in the race, or being able to watch the tournament on the sideline. The Olympic Committee fought for change and they did what they did to make the world a better place for a lot of people. People in the world suffer from different health issues and disability, and to give these people back hope that they are no different from the rest of the world. This gives them a chance to look at themselves as an accomplishment instead belittle their selves from self-worth the Olympic Committee made a difference in the world to make sports better for the world.
Junge A. Engebretesen L, Alonso JM, Et Al Injury Surveillance In Multi-Sport Evens: The International Olympics Committee Approach British Journal Of Sports Medicine 2008, 42: 413-421.
Voy, Robert O, The U.S Olympic Committee Experience With Exercise-Induced Bronchospasm, 1984
Durantez C, Perez- Turpin JA, Martinez, A, Mateos C, Martinez MJ, Gonzalez A, Principles Of The Olympic Movement. J. Hum. Sport Exerc. 2010; 5(1): 3-14.
Abrahams, Harold, Olympic Games July 2022
Memo 3
Misha Smith
Soc 151
University of California, Riverside
Dr. Kurtulmus
July 16, 2024
I’m writing to inform you about the Olympic committee and how it is based on building a better world through sports. The Olympic Committee is held through different committees from five continents: Africa, America, Asia, Europe, and Oceania. The Olympic committee has been identified to help people from 67 to 597 Olympic athletes with asthma who have experienced health issues. The Olympics also has helped disabled people who are handicapped win forty-one medals in the Olympics. Also, the Olympics comes around once every four years which holds up to 206 people to race for a tournament.
As the Olympics has expanded over the years running in the Olympics was made for people to make the world a better place through sports. The Olympics had been the most popular sport across the world had people joined freely to make a change within the world. As people started to join in this active sport, the Olympics started to award members who won the race with medals to show their accomplishments. It is the reason that (1984,328) the Olympics showed dependency theory for the Olympics to make a difference within the world by earning money to help sponsor the committee to keep the Olympics going every four years. So, for the Olympics to make a change in the community, the world is to keep investing in time to make a difference for these Olympic members.
The Olympics is based on marketing for men and women that helps with making a difference to stop racial and religious towards members in the Olympics. Olympics fought their hardest to make a change in the world for members who had a disability. Which made it fair for disabled people to have a chance to join the race. (Corral,8) The Olympics made it easier for disabled people to be seen and be awarded for their accomplishments. In certain cases, the Olympics were hosted by the organizing committee for the Olympics which made way for the poor to be supported by investing more time in helping the community by bringing Olympics tournaments.
Junge A, Engebretsen L, Alonso JM, et alInjury surveillance in multi-sport events: the International Olympic Committee approachBritish Journal of Sports Medicine 2008;42:413-421.
Voy, Robert O, The U.S Olympic Committee experience with exercise-induced bronchospasm, 1984
Durántez C, Pérez-Turpin JA, Martínez A, Mateos C, Martínez MJ, González A. Principles of the Olympic movement. J. Hum. Sport Exerc. 2010; 5(1):3- 14.
Abrahams, Harold, Olympic games Juy 2022