Question 1

  1. Dustin was driving his car on an icy road when the back end started to skid out of control. His car crossed the centerline, and he could see the headlights of rapidly approaching oncoming traffic. His entire body became energized. His heart rate and respiration increased, and he began to perspire profusely. According to Selye’s general adaptation syndrome, Dustin was experiencing

1 points

Question 2

  1. The Social Readjustment Rating Scale was designed specifically to measure

1 points

Question 3

  1. The idea that emotional tension can be released through behavior and that this response may be adaptive is known as

1 points

Question 4

  1. Prior to 1996–97, the average length of survival for people after the onset of AIDS was

1 points

Question 5

  1. Megan is looking at the ballot form for a citywide referendum and trying to decide whether or not to support the proposed change. If the referendum passes, there will be better services available for all city residents, but it will also mean that residents pay more property taxes. As Megan tries to decide whether to support the proposed referendum, she is facing

1 points

Question 6

  1. Laboratory experiments with cardiology patients have shown that brief periods of mental stress

1 points

Question 7

  1. According to the original frustration-aggression hypothesis,

1 points

Question 8

  1. The correct order for the three stages of Selye’s general adaptation syndrome is

1 points

Question 9

  1. Which of the following is LEAST accurate in regard to defense mechanisms?

1 points

Question 10

  1. Holmes and Rahe reasoned that major sources of stress for people come from

1 points

Question 11

  1. The name Hans Selye gave to the body’s response to stress is

1 points

Question 12

  1. Virginia has wanted to be a physician for as long as she can remember, but she has been unable to gain entry to medical school. Virginia is probably experiencing

1 points

Question 13

  1. Coping techniques that involve self-deception to distort reality in order to make a situation appear less threatening are referred to as

1 points

Question 14

  1. After a long week balancing her work at the office, visiting her husband who was in the hospital with a broken leg, and making sure she took her turn driving the carpool for her children, Beverly decided she needed some time for herself. She stopped by the mall and purchased the leather jacket she had been admiring. Beverly’s coping response to stress can be BEST described as

1 points

Question 15

  1. You have just come face to face with a bear on your walk through the woods. Your body automatically mobilizes itself for action in the ____ stage of the general adaptation syndrome.

1 points

Question 16

  1. Which of the following is an example of a stressful situation that involves pressure?

1 points

Question 17

  1. Clarice was in a meeting with several other employees when her boss started to criticize a proposal Clarice had put together for the marketing department. As he started into his critique, Clarice’s heart rate and respiration increased, and she could feel her face and hands become flushed and red. According to Selye’s general adaptation syndrome, Clarice was experiencing

1 points

Question 18

  1. Which of the following is NOT associated with moderating or reducing the effects of stress?

1 points

Question 19

  1. The formation of new neurons is known as

1 points

Question 20

  1. Melissa has an old car that is desperately in need of expensive repairs. She is trying to decide whether to spend the $1,500 she has in her savings account to repair her old clunker or use her savings to buy the used car that her neighbor has for sale. As Melissa considers which of these two options she will select, she is facing

1 points

Question 21

  1. An individual thinks he is Jesus Christ. He also believes that, because he is Christ, people are trying to kill him. Assume that this individual is not correct¾he is not Christ, and people are not trying to kill him. Which of the following would be the MOST likely diagnosis?

1 points

Question 22

  1. Frequently, people call a psychologist for assistance after “deciding for themselves” that they need help. People would be MOST likely to use which two of the commonly used criteria for psychological disorders when deciding to seek treatment?

1 points

Question 23

  1. Jazmine has just returned home after receiving treatment for schizophrenia. The clinician who is supervising her case is aware that Jazmine’s family is high in expressed emotion. Under these conditions, Jazmine

1 points

Question 24

  1. Researchers have found that depression occurs

1 points

Question 25

  1. Which of the following disorders is seen almost exclusively in affluent Western cultures?

1 points

Question 26

  1. Kevin hears voices singing even though none are present. Kevin suffers from

1 points

Question 27

  1. A person who maintains bizarre, false beliefs that have no basis in reality is said to have

1 points

Question 28

  1. Thomas Szasz would be MOST critical of the commonly used criterion to diagnose psychological disorders that relates to

1 points

Question 29

  1. Using the DSM-IV listings and lifetime prevalence, it is estimated that ____ of the population will experience a psychological disorder at some time in their lives.

1 points

Question 30

  1. The stress-vulnerability models that have been developed for mood disorders and schizophrenic disorders illustrate which of your text’s unifying themes?

1 points

Question 31

  1. Some researchers are investigating whether dysfunctions in neural circuits using ________ play a role in schizophrenia.

1 points

Question 32

  1. Being careful not to make the conjunction fallacy, indicate which of the following is MOST probable:

1 points

Question 33

  1. A prognosis

1 points

Question 34

  1. Treit’s best friend was seriously injured in a car accident last month. Since that time, Treit has been attending all his classes, but he feels like he is unable to pay attention because he is constantly thinking about his friend. Treit finds he can’t seem to think about anything else, and he is frequently overwhelmed by feelings of helplessness. In this example, Treit’s feelings would MOST likely be considered

1 points

Question 35

  1. Research concerning the etiology of mood disorders suggests that the influence of genetic factors

1 points

Question 36

  1. Lenny is diagnosed with schizophrenia. He will often remain completely motionless for long periods of time. He almost looks as if he is imitating a store mannequin or a statue. Lenny’s behavior is MOST consistent with

1 points

Question 37

  1. A type of dissociative disorder characterized by sudden loss of memory for important personal information that sometimes occurs after a person has endured a traumatic event is

1 points

Question 38

  1. Which of the following statements is LEAST accurate?

1 points

Question 39

  1. Jim came home from the office trembling, experiencing shortness of breath, irritable, unable to concentrate, and worrying about whether his business would still be open next week, despite the fact that his business was evidencing its highest profit ever. Jim’s condition would most likely be diagnosed as

1 points

Question 40

  1. Alvin suffers from both major depression and generalized anxiety disorder. Alvin’s diagnoses illustrate that mental disorders can be

1 points

Question 41

  1. Which of the following has NOT been an outcome of deinstitutionalization?

2 points

Question 42

  1. Valium and Xanax are

2 points

Question 43

  1. Most experts believe that for certain types of psychological problems, some treatment approaches are more effective than others. Martin Seligman asserts that obsessive-compulsive disorder responds BEST to

2 points

Question 44

  1. Which of the following statements concerning ECT is FALSE?

2 points

Question 45

  1. You are watching a television documentary that shows a patient who is undergoing electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). If this documentary is depicting psychotherapy in the 1930s, you should conclude that

2 points

Question 46

  1. Which of the following is NOT a major reason American minority groups tend to underutilize mental health services?

2 points

Question 47

  1. The MOST commonly cited side effect associated with antianxiety drugs is

2 points

Question 48

  1. Contemporary psychodynamic approaches to therapy tend to do all of the following E