As aspiring health care managers, it is important to stay on top of the technological advances available to help keep your organization running effectively. Telemedicine, neural engineering, and health care robotics are transforming health care today while providing patient care and improving the health care delivery system as a whole.

Complete the Technology Evaluation Chart. Identify the selected trends in health care technology and consider how an organization integrates the selected technology into existing systems.

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C:UsersdjshireyOneDrive - University of PhoenixF_DriveStyle GuidesUPX LogosHorizontal formatUOPX_Sig_Hor_Black_Medium.pngTechnology Evaluation Chart

As a health care manager, it is important to stay on top of the technological advances available to help keep your organization running effectively.

Select and research 2 technology trends. You will use this assignment to complete your Week Two SWOT Analysis Template and Summary.

Some examples of technology trends:


Optical imagery for diagnosing disease

Electronic health records (EHR)

Electronic Medical Records

E prescription Platforms


Video translation services

Dictation services (e.g., Dragon NaturallySpeaking)

Medical equipment

Health care robots

Neural engineering

Intelligent mobile devices

National health care information network

Other technology trends approved by your faculty

Remote patient Monitoring and Wearables

Complete the table below by identifying the selected trends in health care technology. Take into consideration how an organization might go about choosing, acquiring, implementing, and integrating the selected technology into existing systems and business processes.

Healthcare Technology Trends

Technology trend

Describe the use and purpose of the selected technology in health care.

(75 to 150 words)

Explain how the technology may be used in a health care organization (devices, platforms, applications, cloud based vs. local or network database, etc.)

(75 to 150 words)

Explain the benefits of the chosen technology (patient benefits and organizational benefits, such as efficiency, portability, etc.)

(75 to 150 words)

Describe how the technology can be evaluated for its impact on the health care organization (patient perspective, organizational perspective) (75 to 150 words)

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